Saturday, October 2, 2010

Overhead Squats +


Run around the block

3 Rounds

a. #45 Overhead Squats, 5-8 reps
b. German Hang Pulls, 3 reps
c. Ice Cream Makers, 3-5 reps

I. Overhead Squats 5 x 5

100 - 135 - 165(5) - 165(4) - 165(5) Good ! Next time 170

II. #25, Sled Sprints, 40 yards x 6

total time = 7:40

rest time between sprints was about a minute, next time try #35 and still get under 10 minutes.

II. Hollow Rocks, 20s on/ 15 s off x max sets
8 rounds , try to get 9 then decrease the rest interval

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