Tuesday, August 31, 2010



For Time:

3 Rounds

Run 400m (around da block)

55 pound, Kettlebell Swings, 21 reps

12 Pullups

11:04 PR !! comp. 3/28

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Heavy Lift +

1. Front Squats 5x5
120 - 140 - 185 x 3 sets

2. Run 4 x 400m (around da block >400m ), rest precisely the time of the previous run.
2:02 (ccw) - 1:57 (cw) - 1:47 (ccw) - 1:54 (cw)

3. Hollow Rocks, 15s work/15s rest x 8 sets
8 reps straight through.

Next time try 20s on/15s off x 8-10 sets

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Fight Gone Bad" ughh

3 Rounds of :

Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10ft. target. 22-21-17

Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pound 24-18-12

Box Jump, 24" box 30-26-20

Push-press, 75 pound 23-21-15

Jumping Pull-ups 36-29-17

331 reps

In this workout you move from each of the five stations after a minute. The clock does not stop or reset between exercises. There's a one minute break between rounds. One point is given for each rep.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Oly Lift + Sled Sprints

I. Snatch 3 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
95(3) - 135(2) - 150(1) - 160(1) - 165(x) - 170(x)


45 pound, Sled Drags , 40 yards x 6 , rested 2-3 minutes between sprints

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


"Joshie" (scaled)

Complete three rounds for time:

40 pound dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, right arm

12 L pull-ups

40 pound dumbbell snatch, 21 reps, left arm

12 L pull-ups


The sinews around my elbows were sore from yesterday's front lever negatives, so my pulling strength felt a little weakend. But no excuses I worked through it. Also I ate about 90 minutes before the workout, it was too close to the workout. No retreat No surrender

I scaled the number of reps on the l pull-ups, 21 is just too high of a volume for me. L pull-ups are a weak point for me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Strength/Skill Day + Finisher

IA. Back Squats 5x5

135 - 175 - 205(3) - 185 - 185

IB. Front Lever Negatives 3x5

II. For Time

3 Rounds

15 Wall Ball Shots

70 pound, Sled Drag, 40 yards ( 20 down hill, 20 back up hill on the alley )


I did the squats with a 1-2 second pause at the bottom, because I noticed on video that I tend to bounce out of the whole. its not controlled. I'm continually refining and reinventing my squat and each time it's usually harder and humbles me forcing me to use less weight.

Front lever negatives were hard, I lack that control at midrange. Gotta keep working it.

And sled drags ! I originally intended to do 400s instead, but I just built the sled yesterday and wanted to play with it, so I threw those in instead of the sprints. Oh boy, it was intense. I was Panting in this one, big time. 70pound was the right choice. I had just enough juice to make it up the hill. Overall it was a good intense and short finisher. Downhill I pulled it with my arms behind my back , uphill I pulled it with hands at chest.


"Johnson", scaled and modified
20 min AMRAP
223 pound, Deadlifts, 9 reps
8 Ring Muscle-ups
108 pound Hang Cleans, 9 reps

3 Rounds + 5 Muscle-ups

Just felt tired today. I went to bed at 1am yesterday , also yesterdays finisher got me ass sore and really tired. Maybe we should've abbreviated yesterday's finisher a little, it was a bit lengthy. Breathing was heavy today for some reason as well.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Oly Day + General Conditioning

I. Clean and Jerk 3 x 6 sets (8:00am )

154 - 148 - 143 - 137 - 137 - 143
I was shooting to work up to 175 ish, so after a few lighter warm up sets I started at 154. But it felt heavy so I began dropping weight with every set. This is basically the opposite of what was planned. It doesn't always turn out as planned so you have to adjust to the moment.
II. For Time (1:00pm )

Lunge 100ft
Pullups 21-18-15... down to 3
V-ups " "
Lunges felt good, even pullups I did unbroken, which I was satisfied with. But those v-ups had to be broken down, and slowed me down a bit. Overall it felt good.
I. 5 minutes Handstand Walk for distance = 30+ yards

II. 100 hollow rocks , 4:24

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Luce" , (Long Effort Day)


For Time:

3 Rounds

Run 1K ( 1 lap Sunset Park )

10 Ring Muscle-ups

100 Squats


In Memory of Captain Ronald G. Luce. R.I.P.

It felt good today. Those subsequent runs felt much harder after just doing 100 squats. I just try to focus on pull vs. push, and keep that pose right. The hilly terrain of the park really adds a little flavor to the runs.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Overhead Squats + Finisher


Overhead Squats 5x5
105-135-155 x 5 x 3 sets


For Time:
20 Back Squats, 159 pound, barbell taken from the floor
40 Toes to Bar
60 FatHandle Dumbbell Swings 55 pound

Monday, August 16, 2010

Longer Run 5k

L-sit, on the floor : accumulate as much time in 5 minutes as possible = 1:18

I was getting like 10 s at a time after a few sets and having to rest about 3x that.

5 Full Laps at Sunset Park

Active Rest Day

100 yard Handstand Walk
This took me like 10-15 minutes to do, not easy !

5 Rounds
10 pull throughs on the MBG
10 Pistols, alternating legs

Some martial arts movements

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oly day + Cookie


3 Rounds

L-sit, max effort

5 pullups, weighted if neccessary

Power Snatch + Overhead Squat, 5 reps


Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.

135 pound Snatch , 1 repetition

I started missing at the end.


For Time:

5 Rounds

225 pound Deadlift, 5 reps

5 Handstand Push-ups


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Heavy Lift + Cookie

Front Squats 3 x 5sets

125 - 165 - 195 - 195 - 195(1)


For Time:

12 Minutes AMRAP

50 pound, fathandle db push jerks, 5 reps

7 box jumps, ~30 inch box. ( 25"+ red and black plate)
9 Rounds + 2 push jerks

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Long Effort

For Time:
5 Rounds
155 pound, Overhead Carry, 130 feet ( 2x 65ft )
30 Wallball Shots, 20lb/10foot target
95 pound, Barbell Farmer's Carry, 130 feet (2 x 65ft)

Rough one. One barbell started falling apart on the farmer's carry , the screw on the end caps. I lost some time playing with that shit. I started using the hook grip on the farmer's carrys in about the third round, that helped me to stay on the bars with my sweat drenched palms. Rest day tommorrow. I feel that I need it. I may do some heavy bag work maybe, but light.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Oly. Day + Cookie

Power Clean + Split Jerk (alternating legs) 3 x 6 sets
135 - 145 - 155 x 4 sets

Felt exhausted today, optted to not push it and practice technique. that 3rd rep the techniqe was hard to maintain, today atleast.

For Time
3 Rounds
40 pound, Dumbbell Thrusters, 15 reps
30 V-ups
I started with 50 pound dumbbells in the first round, and therafter switched to 40 pound db's.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Birthday WOD. "RJ"


For Time

5 Rounds:

1000 yard shuttle sprint, 50yards there and back ten times

15-20 ft Rope Climb , 5 ascents

50 Push-ups

45 minute time cap. = 4 Rounds , 1000yards, 2 Rope Ascents

I might have done an extra rope climb on the 2nd round. just wanted to go above and beyond. Felt good today, but this workout still kicked my ass. I had a hard time focusing on my breathing rhythm during the runs and having to count the shuttles while being in a state of chaos physically. That's alright though, that's an additional skill that needs to be polished. My arms are still shaking from this one. The rope climb, though, has become a lot more managable since I started incorporating it more. you can do all the pullups that you want but the rope climb is a skill in and of its own. practice it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


For Time:
5 Rounds
40 Double-unders
30 Box Jumps, 24 inches
20 KB Swings, 55 pound

17:40 PR ! comp. 5/2/10 , 19:48

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sprint Work and Gymnastics

1. ~100yd Hill Sprints x 6 sets

14.0s - 13.0s - 11.5s - 10.0s - ? - 10.6s

Walk back to the starting line.

2. Gymnastics "Cookie"

3Rounds Not Timed:
10 Ring Muscle-ups
10 Forward/Shoulder Rolls
20 Single Legged Squats, alternating
Handstand Walk, 20 yards (60ft.)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Met Con

Run 1 mile

50 Wallball Shots, 20 pound ball, 10 foot target

Run 1/2 mile

35 Wallball Shots

Run 1/4 mile

20 Wallball Shots


We ran around da block. We went clockwise today. Incline up the alley !

Monday, August 2, 2010


1. Snatch 3 x 6sets

65 - 85 - 105 - 125 x 3sets

Missed quite a few today. Next time try singles every minute on the minute for ten minutes with the same weight.

2. Cookie

For Time

45 pound, Barbell Highpulls, 50 reps

155 Bench Press 30 reps

50 AbMat Sit-ups

45 pound, Barbell Highpulls, 50 reps

155 Bench Press 20 reps

50 AbMat Situps

45 pound Barbell Highpulls, 50 reps

155 Bench Press 10 reps

50 Situps


I started with 170 on the bench press, but dropped the weight to 155 pounds after 12th rep.