Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Snatch Balance 3 x 7

I. Snatch Balance 3 x 7
60kg - 65kg - 70 kg - 72.5 - 75kg - 77.5kg (1) - 70 kg
II. 9 - 6 - 3 reps of:
60 kg Thrusters

Monday, October 25, 2010


In Memory of U.S. Airforce Security Forces 1st Lt. Joseph D. Helton, 24.


3 Rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters (2 laps around da block)

35 pound Fat Dumbbell Squat Cleans, 30 reps

30 Burpees


Friday, October 22, 2010



50 Pull-ups , monkey bar gym
100 Push-ups
10 Small Laps at Sunset Park


Front Squats

I. Front Squats 5 x 5
115 - 155 - 195 (5) - 195 (5) - 195 (4)

II. 15-12-9
95, Thrusters

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"Linda" aka The three bars of death


3 Rounds

-#88 9 Deadlifts + 6 Hang Pwr Cleans + 3 Front Squat

- Breakdancers 3 r / 3l

-1 arm pull-up holds



#183 Deadlifts

#155 Bench Press

#88 Cleans


Monday, October 18, 2010

Split Jerks

Marcin Dolega, 226 kilo
I. Warm-up
3 Rounds of:
3 cobra bends/3 let downs
ice-cream makers 5
german hang 5-8 seconds
II. Split Jerks 2 x 6
III. Halting Clean Deadlifts 3 x 5
IV. "Death by Pull-ups " (strict pull-ups)
-do one more pull-up every minute on the minute.
= 9 minutes

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Barbell Complex Met-con

This exercise does Magic !
I. Warm-up:
3 Rounds
Gymnastics Bridge, 10 breaths
5 Pull-ups , bw-20lb-30lb
Windshield wipers-Supine, 5r/5l
II. 20 min AMRAP
#95, Thrusters, 5 reps
#95 , Hang Power Clean , 7 reps
#95 , SDLHP , 9 reps
7 Rounds + 2 SDLHPs
I messed up, officially it's 10 SDLHPs not 9.

Overhead Squat Workout

Marcin Dolega
I. Warm-up:
3 Rounds
German Hang Hold, 5 seconds
Front Tuck Lever, 5-8 seconds
Pistol Squats, 5 r / 5l
II. #135, Overhead Squats, 3 x 10 sets
60-90 seconds rest
III. 3 Rounds of:
#88 Front Squats , 10 reps
15 V-ups
20 Box Jumps , 24"
Sub 10 min.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"Test 3"

"Test 3"

Squats , 20 seconds on/ 10 seconds off x 8 Rounds

Max reps of Muscle-ups in 4 minutes

The score is the round with least number of squats x number of muscle-ups.

21 Squats x 13 muscle-ups = 273

I'm happy with the squats, I've met my goal. But my muscle-up score was unsatisfactory today. I lost focus on those a little today. I have a cold today, so my airways were on fire after those squats. That kind of distracted me a little. Oh and I did it on the plastic rings, wood are much better !! I should've practiced the technique I was working on previously instead of thinking butterfly. keeping the hips flexed and close to the ring upon descent. work on it !


3 Rounds of

Side Press 3r/3l , worked up to 40 pound

Fulcrum Seat/ Assisted L-extension , 10seconds/5 reps

butterfly kip on rings, 5-8 reps

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Snatch Practice

I. Warm-up

3 Rounds of:

-Pwr Snatch + Oh Squat - Hang Snatch - Snatch

-Wheel Rollouts, 5 reps

-Ring Dips, 5 reps

II. High-Hang Snatch 3 x 5

65-88-95 x 3 sets

III. Snatch Halting Deadlifts

95-135-165 x 3 sets

IV. 15 - 12 -9

#45, Turkish Get-ups, alternating arms

#45, Sotts Press

>15 minutes.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Metabolic Conditioning Day ( Long Effort )

For Time
5 Rounds of:
50 Jump Touches, 18" above reach
40 squats
30 sit-ups
20 push-ups
10 pull-ups
33: 20 ish

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Front Squats +

Warm- up
3 Rounds of:
a. duck walk
b. pull to inverted hang, 5
c. presses to handstand, 3 reps

Front Squats
115(5) - 155 (5) - 195 (3) x 2 sets - 195 (2)

:( So it wasn't a PR day today. Hips were super sore still from the 400 m lunge workout from Wed. Also I was battling a cold of some sort, and was feeling a little under the weather.


#55 Sandbag High pulls , working on that kung fu grip.
#75 Barbell Jerks

10 minute time cap amrap
= got to the round of 12, and finished 12 highpulls.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

400 meter Walking Lunge


3 Rounds of:

-Single Leg Hops, half the length of the basketball court each leg

-L-sit, on the floor, 30 seconds (10 x 3)

- Single arm hangs of the tree branch, with little assistance, 10 seconds per arm (5 x 2)

I. 400 meter walking lunge = 12:49 PR !!

II. 21-18-15-.. 3

Strict Pull-ups

Handstand Push-ups

20 minute time cap= got to 12 pullups and 6 handstand pushups

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Clean & Jerk Workout +


3 Rounds

#88 Power Clean/front squat - Hang Clean - Clean , each followed by a split jerk
Front Lever Pulls, 5 reps
Headstand Press, 5 reps

I. Clean & Jerk 1 x 6 sets

185 - 190 - 195 x 4 sets

II. 30 - 20 - 10


Box Jumps, 24"

Toes to bar


Monday, October 4, 2010


I. Warm-up

a. Jump Rope 2-3 minutes

b. Dynamic Stretches

c. 3 Rounds of:

- Cast Wall Walks, 3 reps

- 5 Box Jumps, 33" - 36" - 39"

- Butterfly Pull-ups, 6-8 reps

- Good Mornings, Olympic Style, 10 reps, #45 - #65 x 2 sets

II. 3 Rounds for time of:

5 Rope Climbs, 15-20 feet

21 Ring Dips

50 Squats , with resistance band below knees

21:40 PR ! compare: 12/28/9 , 37:08

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Overhead Squats +


Run around the block

3 Rounds

a. #45 Overhead Squats, 5-8 reps
b. German Hang Pulls, 3 reps
c. Ice Cream Makers, 3-5 reps

I. Overhead Squats 5 x 5

100 - 135 - 165(5) - 165(4) - 165(5) Good ! Next time 170

II. #25, Sled Sprints, 40 yards x 6

total time = 7:40

rest time between sprints was about a minute, next time try #35 and still get under 10 minutes.

II. Hollow Rocks, 20s on/ 15 s off x max sets
8 rounds , try to get 9 then decrease the rest interval

Friday, October 1, 2010



Run ~400meter

Dynamic Stretches


a. Broad Jumps, the width of the basketball court

b. Planche Push-ups

c. Body levers

I. "Nate"

20 Minutes as many rounds as possible of :

a. 2 Muscle-ups

b. 4 Handstant Push-ups

c. #70 Kettlebell Swings, 8 reps

12 Rounds PR ! Compare: 11 Rounds

II. Middle body tension drills