Monday, December 6, 2010

Super Squats

I. 20 rep squats
88 - 133 - 195 pounds. Success !!!

I came out of solitary training (garage) for this workout. It felt heavy last time so I wanted to draw energy from other souls in the gym setting. : ) That sound weird. haha. But something worked. It felt comparitavely easy today. It felt like I opened up new neural pathways in the squat movement, or maybe just enhanced the existing ones. or maybe it was the bigger coffee today, and maybe because I did it earlier in the day. Too many variables. I don't care about the science. I'm getting stronger.

II. 3 Rounds

Pull-ups Strict: 14 - 10 - 9 = 33
Handstand Push-ups: 20 dips by mistake - 11 hspu's - 11
L-sits: 20s - 20s - 20s

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