Saturday, October 9, 2010

Front Squats +

Warm- up
3 Rounds of:
a. duck walk
b. pull to inverted hang, 5
c. presses to handstand, 3 reps

Front Squats
115(5) - 155 (5) - 195 (3) x 2 sets - 195 (2)

:( So it wasn't a PR day today. Hips were super sore still from the 400 m lunge workout from Wed. Also I was battling a cold of some sort, and was feeling a little under the weather.


#55 Sandbag High pulls , working on that kung fu grip.
#75 Barbell Jerks

10 minute time cap amrap
= got to the round of 12, and finished 12 highpulls.

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