Monday, June 6, 2011



For Time:

1000 meter row

#45, Thrusters, 50 reps

30 pull-ups


It was done at Midtown Athletic Club. Rowers are situated on the other side of the gym, so I had to run over to the other side to finish off my thrusters and pull-ups. But that's ok, gotta be ready for any uncertainty. I forgot how much I hate the rower. But again, that's good. I have to address my weaknesses and not shy away from them. Working the weakness will benefit me more in general physical preparedness. This workout wrecked me. My head was throbing afterwards, and I had that burning lung feeling, which I haven't had in a while. That's good also. And my legs, my legs felt suprisingly wrecked from this combination. I was surprised.

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