Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Cindy" + 400 meter Farmer's Carry


20 minutes amrap

5 pull-ups

10 push-ups

20 squats

16 rounds

400 meter Farmer's Carry, 55 lb


Today I felt somewhat tired, and a little nauseas from something I ate. I knew it wouldn't be a PR day on Cindy , but that's ok. I still decided to go thru with it at a submaximal pace. Not every day has to be a PR/ maximal effort day. Just like in weightlifting you don't always use maximal percentages, same applys to conditioning workouts. It was already my 3rd straight day of workout, I felt fatigued, but going thru with the workout at a submaximal effort pace allowed me to still get a workout in and still benefit from it , eventhough it wasn't an all out maixmal effort.

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